The breakthrough device — based on 20 years of Shore’s research and $14 million in funding — is “nearly market ready,” according to Auricle Inc CEO and Co-Founder, Jon Pearson.

Here is the official product description (Auricle Inc):
Device that combines auditory frequencies and timed somatosensory stimuli to suppress tinnitus-generating neurons that cause ringing in the ears.
Here are the latest details — developing story:
- Susan Shore recently co-founded a company called Auricle Inc.
- Auricle Inc is a medical device venture (startup) created to commercialize Shore’s tinnitus device and patents.
- The company was formed with the approval of the University of Michigan Reagents and there is an “Option Agreement” between the university and Auricle Inc.
- The domain name for Auricle Inc ( is registered and associated with the company. No website has been created yet (as of September 7, 2021, 1:28pm EST).
Excerpt from the agreement:
“… a for-profit company called Auricle Inc. (the “Company”). The Company was formed recently to commercialize a device to treat tinnitus…”
Susan Shore, PhD, a Professor in the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, and David Martel, Graduate Student Research Assistant in the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, are partial owners of a for-profit company called Auricle Inc. (the “Company”). The Company was formed recently to commercialize a device to treat tinnitus and desires to option from the University of Michigan the University’s rights associated with the following technology:
UM OTT File No. 5507, entitled: “Tailored Auditory – Somatosensory Stimulation to Treat Tinnitus” (Inventors: Seth Koehler, David Martel, Susan Shore)
The Office of Technology Transfer selected the Company as a University partner and negotiated the terms of the proposed Agreement in accordance with University policy and its accepted licensing principles.
Here is the Gen 2.0 clinical unit (i.e., the one that was used in the latest Shore clinical trial, it would seem)… which might give us some idea of the Auricle device product hardware (note: no confirmation yet on what the market-ready device will look like).
In addition…
Video: 2-Minute Auricle Inc Tinnitus Device Investor Pitch
The unlisted video, “Auricle 2 min 2021 Rosenman Innovator Demo Day AU I0F2VG4”, only has 45 views at the time of this writing (September 7, 2021, 1:29pm EST). Also worth mentioning are the social signals: the video currently has one Like and one comment… both of which can be traced to a mysterious “Michael Sutton” character. Hmmmm…
This is a developing story. Expect more updates soon. Sources below. Remember to subscribe. And please share, if you want to encourage more “exclusive” updates like this one.
More to follow…
“No official release date yet. As soon as I know more, I will email the list.”
– Michael
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- more sources will be added as this article is expanded